Mini Gastric Bypass Package

The mini gastric bypass surgery is a laparoscopic procedure that reroutes the stomach to the intestines. Compared to the gastric bypass surgery, it is a lighter surgery and the effectiveness and the healing is much easily achieved. Just like the gastric bypass surgery, it is mostly desired by the patients with high BMI, diabetes or chronic diseases.
Surgery time: 3-5 hours
Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
Total Days of Stay in Turkey: 4-7 nights
Hospitalization: 4-5 nights
- Arrival the 1st day, depending on the arrival time, the pre-op tests begin
- Once the pre-op tests finish and you are eligible to have the surgery, you will be taken to endoscopy and then the surgery
- You will be eligible to walk the same day of your surgery
- You will see definite improvements 2-3 days after surgery
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery (cash prıcıng if paıd via credit card then an additional 18% will be charged) ıncludes the followıng.
- Airport pick up and farewell
- All pre op tests & examinations (1 day before or the day of the surgery)
- Laparoscopic Surgery using FDA approved materials used by our doctors specialized in Bariatric Surgery
- 4 nights Hospital stay (A companion can stay with the patient free of charge)
- Translation services at the Hospital
- Dietitian consultancy and a detailed list of how to consume after Gastric Bypass
- Leakage test
- CD of your surgery
- You can contact us for prıce ınformatıon.