Breast Augmentation Package

Breast augmentation procedure consists of breast uplift, enlargement, and reduction procedures, or with a prosthesis.
Breast uplift improves the appearance of the breast by removing excess skin from underneath the breast or from around the area of dark tissue that surrounds the nipple (areola). The skin and tissue of the breast are tightened and the nipple is moved to a higher position to give a more youthful and firm appearance.
Breast enlargement increases the size of the breast through implantation of the prosthesis, while breast reduction is a surgery for patients seeking relief from physical symptoms caused by the excessive weight of large breasts.
Surgery time: 2-6 hours
Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
Total Days of Stay in Turkey: 7-10 days
Hospitalization: 1 night
Recovery Time: Up to 6 months
Compression Garment: Must be worn up to 3+ months
- Arrival the 1st day, depending on the arrival time, the pre-op tests begin
- 2nd day, after consultations with your plastic surgeon, you will be taken to the surgery
Breast Augmentation Surgery Package Price including breast uplift and prosthesis (cash pricing, if paid via credit card then an additional 17% will be charged in which the following services are included:
- Airport pick up and farewell
- All pre-op tests & examinations (1 day before or the day of the surgery)
- 1-night Hospital stay (A companion can stay with the patient free of charge)
- Translation services at the Hospital