Gastric Botox Package

The idea of the gastric botox surgery is to minimize the contractions of the stomach and thus the feeling of fullness in the stomach is achieved.
Surgery time: 30 minutes
Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia
Total Days of Stay in Turkey: 2 nights
Hospitalization: -
- Arrival day if you are empty in stomach, the endoscopic gastric botox surgery can be performed
- You will be eligible to go back to hotel the same day
- You will be able to fly back 1 day after the gastric botox
Gastric Botox (cash prıcıng if paid via credit card then an additional 18% will be charched) includes the followıng.
- Airport pick up and farewell
- All pre op tests & examinations (1 day before or the day of the surgery)
- Endoscopic Surgery
- Translation services at the Hospital
- Dietitian consultancy
- No Hospitalization
- You can contact us for prıce ınformatıon.